All You Need to Know About Different Types of Turquoise

All love turquoise jewelry, and people love to flaunt their collection of turquoise jewelry. There are different types of turquoise jewelry like Turquoise Cluster Earrings, turquoise bracelets, pendants native necklaces with a modern touch, etc. Just like other types of jewelry, there are different types of turquoise to choose from. Many people buy low-quality turquoise jewelry because they don’t know the different types of turquoise. There are more than 30 types of turquoise gemstones that are mined across the world. There are various patterns and colors like green, blue, etc., in the turquoise gemstone. The turquoise names are usually based on the name of the mines where they are mined.


 Some of the popular types of turquoise are mentioned below-

1.     Blue Diamond Turquoise

The blue diamond turquoise is one of the most challenging turquoises to find in recent years.  The turquoise was mined in a blue diamond mine in Austin. Blue diamond mine was also called hat mine because a hat can hide the turquoise deposits at the blue mountain. It is in the form of a plate and is in blue and black color. The colors form a stormy matrix that gives a mysterious vibe to blue diamond turquoise jewelry.

2.     Carico Lake Turquoise

The Carico Lake turquoise is the most colorful, and the color palette ranges from electric green to sky blue. It is often considered as the combination of earth and sky, the two supreme elements of nature. The Carico Lake turquoise has a spider web matrix, and it is usually found in lime green color. Due to the small yearly yield and remote mine location, Carico Lake turquoise is a rare gemstone to find. Therefore, the Carico Lake turquoise jewelry is a bit expensive and hard to find.

3.     Dry Creek Turquoise

Dry creek turquoise is a rare turquoise stone with a pale and creamy color. The matrix color can range from brown to cocoa colors. There are two varieties of dry creek turquoise, blue turquoise, and green turquoise. The color of the Dry Creek turquoise is determined by the iron and copper content in the mine. Higher concentrations of copper will result in blue turquoise, and higher iron concentrations will result in green turquoise. It is too soft to cut and is often used to make Turquoise Cluster Earrings. The Native Americans are referred to as “Sacred Buffalo” because it is rare to find.

4.     Kingman Turquoise

Kingman turquoise mine is one of the oldest turquoise-producing mines in the USA. It is also the highest producing turquoise in America. The mine was discovered thousands of years ago by pre-historic Indians. The high-blue color of Kingsman turquoise is the standard turquoise blue color in the industry. It also produces different shades of blue turquoise other than high-blue turquoise. The Kingman Turquoise Jewelry is one of the most recognized pieces of jewelry in the industry. People love to build a collection of old Kingman Turquoise Jewelry, which is rare to find in recent years.

5.     King’s Manassa Turquoise

The King’s Manassa Turquoise is the best blue-green turquoise in the world. The color combination in the King’s Manassa Turquoise is remarkable. The golden matrix with rich and brilliants green often catches the attention of turquoise lovers. It is mined in one of the oldest mines in Colorado. King’s Manassa jewelry is considered one of the excellent turquoise collectibles in the market.

6.     Number 8 Turquoise

Like the name, Number 8 turquoise is different from the other turquoise stones. It is believed to be the turquoise with an attitude, and it symbolizes beauty, spirituality, and life-giving. The Number 8 turquoise is unique and can be easily recognized. It has one of the most exquisite spider web patterns. The base color varies from the lightest shade of blue to dark blue. The web pattern colors include golden brown to black matrix.

7.     Sleeping Beauty Turquoise

The sleeping beauty turquoise is one of the most sought-after turquoises in the world. The color of the turquoise resembles the pure sky and is uniform throughout. The matrix is usually absent in the sleeping beauty turquoise. The name of this turquoise is derived from a mining mountain, which is in the shape of a sleeping woman. The sleeping beauty turquoise was discovered by accident.


Other popular turquoise includes Sonoran gold turquoise, Royston turquoise, White Buffalo turquoise, etc. The knowledge about different turquoise and the pattern helps you in finding the ideal turquoise jewelry. If you love collecting turquoise jewelry, knowing about the different turquoise types will help you expand your collection.


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